Charlitta as we call her is our goofiest girl on the farm! She is full of wiggles, spins in circles in excitement and flops down on your feet at any chance she can get. She will also flop over for a belly rub without hesitation! Charlitta is overly friendly, and simply silly would be the best way to explain her personality. She is a stocky gal with good bone and nice balance. Charlitta scored in the 90 percentile in PennHIPP for hips, OFA normal on elbows and is DM, and VWd clear by parentage. We held back one of her daughters who is sired by our beloved Dozer. At one year, she is pictured with her mother Charlitta. We are thrilled with this cross and can’t wait to get “Avery” into the show ring. What a beautiful head, love the ear set and expression! She naturally stacks and has very correct conformation.