Avery is our goofiest Berner! She was a frequent visitor to Avery Brewing as a puppy and the staff all loved her so much, they asked us to name her “Avery” so, we did! By Admiraal Ad out of Charlitta, named Haystacks Hazy Avery, because we prefer the Hazy IPA’s here at Haystack. She is extremely playful, just plain silly is the best way to describe her. She can hardly contain herself when excited and has a wiggle through her entire body until she finally comes to rest her bottom on your feet, moving in to a full Berner lean. I was hoping to get her in the show ring, she is wonderfully correct in her conformation, she has nice bone structure and a lovely expression. Then, COVID hit so plans to show had to be put off. She is health screened and scored in the 90% in PennHIPP and normal OFA elbows. She will be a very nice cross on Wally, pups should be BIG!